How To Save a Plant That Froze Here Are 5 Easy Steps?

The Winter season is not a death sentence for your plant always. If you have abruptly encountered extreme cold in your region and your plants are frozen, don’t panic because we got you covered.

How To Save a Plant That Froze Here Are 5 Easy Steps? If your concern is how to save a plant that froze, you can water them, cut off some parts and then water them again. This, step-by-step guide of how you can save your plants from freezing will walk you through the problem.

Before that, let’s know about freeze damage a bit because it all comes down to how severe the condition of the plant is, after all.

Knowing The Freeze Damage

The freeze damage mostly depends upon the type of plant you are dealing with. If your plant is a rose plant or moss, then you might have a chance at saving them, and you certainly would not want to blow that chance.

If you have roses that have been damaged by frost or freezing check out this video to see how to prune them

The freeze damage can be pretty severe for annual plants and can also potentially kill them, but in some plants, the damage is nothing more than a few burned and discolored leaves, so the freeze damage is totally up to the plant and its habitat.

If the plant is from a wintery area, it will have more potential to hold on and won’t be affected or freeze that easily. The most dangerous type of freeze damage your plants can have is root damage, which is the hardest to recover from.

When a plant freezes, all the tissues and cells inside it also freezes, making it super-hard for the tissues to work with the same efficiency ever again. If your plant looks like it is heavily dehydrated, the frozen damage is not letting your plant intake any moisture.

It was all about how drastically the freeze damage can affect your plant, so always take it seriously, and now we are moving towards the remedy part, so don’t worry, we got your back.

Steps To Save Frozen Plants

The below-given steps can potentially help your plant recover from the freeze damage and, after that, are also coming in with some tips for you, so buckle up and keep reading.

Its Water Time

Your plants are very fragile during this duration, so you have to handle them with care and water them from time to time. While you water them, analyze how the plants react to them because usually, the frozen parts automatically fall, and you don’t have to do all the cutting.

Check Damage

Check how much the frost has damaged your plant is crucial because sometimes, it is way too serious, and you don’t want to be ignorant about it. After watering your plant, wait for a while to let the foliage fall. If your plant is too serious and the roots have also frozen, give them the benefit of the doubt and take care of them for a few weeks.

If you still see no progress, it means your houseplant is officially dead, but we hope it is not. Your plants will certainly recover if their natural habitat is cold. If you see no growth after a month or so, you can put the plant in your compost bin.

Cut It Off

You can always trim some of the damaged leaves and limbs of the frozen plant.

If your plant’s roots are not damaged, there is still hope for you, so hold onto that and cut the frozen parts of your plant. The other parts can easily regrow if the roots are in mint condition so do not just throw your plant away; always check the roots for confirmation.

Inspect Your Succulents

If any plants get affected by freeze damage the most, the succulents store the most water in their roots. This water freezes with extreme temperature, so you need to cut off all the frozen and damaged parts of your succulents.

The foliage should also be removed and then inspect for a few days about how it turns out. If you see any new growth, it means your succulents have done it, and they are saved.

Take Good Care of Them

Your frosted plants need special care so water them carefully from time to time, put them in a cozy place, and also provide them with enough nutrients to stay alive. Your constant care can save the life of your fallen buddy.

Tips To Save Plants from Frost.

Frost Protection
Frost Protection

It is better to be cautious than to be sorry, so make sure that you take all the safety precautions that can save your plant from getting frozen.

Cover Them

It is crucial to cover your plant properly to save them upfront. You can cover them with plastic, bed sheets, or even containers made with plastic. You need to cover your plants at night daily to save them from getting frozen.

Choose Your Plants Wisely

Choosing your plants wisely does the trick every time because if your plant is used to the habitat you live in and has been through severe cold earlier as well, you don’t have to worry about it getting frozen. Still, the problem comes when your tropical plants freeze because that’s a real threat.


If your plants are frozen, there is not much you can do about it but don’t lose hope because you can still turn the tables. Follow all the above-given steps to save your plant from deadly frost and take care of them because they deserve it.

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